These awesome shirts designed and donated by Nashvillian graphic designer
Trent Thibodeaux!!
Here's the deal. Because we've had SO much trouble getting PayPal to cooperate, we've decided to do this old school, and use checks.
If you want a t-shirt, here's the steps.
1. Send a check for $18 (you can send more if you want but $15 will cover you shirt, shipping, and a donation of $10) here:
Victoria Schwab <--make the check out to me, as I'll be opening a special account for this.
1205 Woodland St
Nashville, TN 37206
In the "to/for" part of the check at the bottom, please put "Do the Write Thing Nashville".
2. Email us at dtwtfn at gmail dot com with:
Your name
Your address
Your shirt size
As soon as we receive your check, we will email you a confirmation.
We know this is a leap of faith, but we promise that every penny (minus production and shipping) will go to directly our charity.
We will be taking checks for the next TWO WEEKS, and then will place the order with our t-shirt provider.
Thank you, as always. And if you have any questions, please email.